
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021

Le Corbusier y el Convento de Tourette

 El Convento de Tourrete es creado por Le Corbusier a finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Es una estructura religiosa que manifiesta el idealismo moderno del antropocentrismo. Se explica el que quería transmitir Le Corbusier con este proyecto y las influencias que tiene esta estructura al ser diseñada. Asimismo, explicar que motivos hubo para crear el Convento de Tourrette.  Le Corbusier es ateo, no cree en la existencia de Dios. Al construir e diseñar este convento el anhelaba que las personas apreciaran la estructura. Se debe a que su idea era que tras la estructura las personas pensarán  que no se necesita a Dios para llegar a la perfección. Por un lado, el poder de la iglesia dominicana hacia de Corbusier fue uno de los motivos crear el Convento de Tourrette. Lo hizo como intento de adaptación a la decadencia religiosa en esos tiempos.  Por otro lado, este convento se diseñó para conectar a las personas con su espiritualidad y con la naturaleza. La estructura t...

La Pedrera Casa Mila y Antonio Gaudí

       La Pedrera Casa Mila  es una estructura diseñada por Antonio Gaudí. Este proyecto fue mandado a hacer de una familia llamada Los Mila. Se explica las inspiraciones  al diseñar la Casa Mila. La Pedrera fue criticada principalmente por no tenerse un estilo tradicional.     La Pedrera tiene diversos estilos la cual torna la estructura única en su clase. Este proyecto transmite el genio de Gaudí, convirtiendo lo tradicional en una obra iconica moderna. Como mencione tiene varios estilos incorporados, se debe a que Gaudí al crear la estructura se inspiro de varios movimientos artísticos como lo abstracto, el arcaísmo y el modernismo. Reflejo el mvimiento abstracto al disenar el proyecto atraves de curvas peculiares. Su inspiración para disenar lo abstracto fue la naturaleza. Transmitió el modernismo rareza y novedad de la obra, Mientras, que el arcaísmo se observa en las columnas y muros.            ...

The Pavilion

     The architect Mies Van Del Rohe in 1929 created one of his first works, the Pavilion. This work went through many crises and this project was almost lost in Mies's memory. However, it is documented and because of that it is rebuilt. Likewise, it is rebuilt by the main idea, symbolizing the new democracy, in the 80s. It is rebuilt with the intention of representing economic development after World War II.      Currently the reconstruction contains new ideas, but contains many of the main ideas. On the one hand, El Pabellón was created with the idea of symbolizing the new democratic order after the First World War, but it failed. However, the ideas that Mies was that the project had an adaptable, modern and natural space. This work shaped his career because it promoted modernist materials. These materials were used in several of his works such as onyx, steel and travertine.      On the other hand, although it is modern architecture, due to...

Falling water-Tour of Frank Lloyd Wrights Arquitecture

     This video mentions facts about Guadi and his advice. It emphasizes that when a structure is going to be created, not as an individual must have knowledge about the field where it is going to be carried out. Likewise, one must also keep in mind how it is going to be created. However, it was not the only thing that stressed him, he mentions that other countries and cultures at one point influence how the project will be built, whether in the way it is going to be designed or the way it is going to be created.      The building shown is built on a waterfall and the first thing to do is study the environment, whether it is rainy or not, etc. It is because if it is not built with the pre-fitted measures, the structure will collapse and it will be a complete failure. It is brave to make a structure in a place where nature can play against you. However, it is not the only thing that must be taken into account when building this structure because how it will ...

Expressionism abstract

 The expressionism abstract dominated American Art from the 1940 to 1962. Influenced by S urrealism and rejecting the regionalism of the 1924-1930. This video talks about the work of three artists: Jack Pollock, Barnett Newman, Willemstad de Kooning or Mark Rothko. Their work was characterized in maturity by the uses of large-format canvases painted all-over, that is, uniformly without suggestion the center , thus canceling all the depth of field.  Abstract expressionism stood for freedom self-affirmation and experiment.  Two major tendencies can be identified with it: Representative of Action painting as Willem and Jackson Pollock (famous for his drip painting).Privileged the physical encounter with the medium taking the canvas. Barnett Newman and Mark Roth leading figures in color-field painting. The canvas was an experimental field within space and color became the way subjects of the work. Supported by galleries Peggy Guggenheim an theorized by critics Harold Rosenber...

Building the Great Cathedrals

       What is the style used in the creation of Medieval Cathedrals and its main elements? This video tells us about the collapse of the Roman Empire and all the changes that came with it. It also explains how the style and design of medieval architecture is duplicated in buildings today. Also on the influence of functionality and the traditional influence of the Middle Ages on the creation and design of cathedrals.      The style that predominates in the Middle Ages is the Gothic as it served as a replacement for the classic after the collapse of the Roman Empire. This style features many glazing openings that experts have had to perform over time rescue missions to prevent collapse. However, the documentary emphasizes its main characteristics, which are the pointed arch, the decoration behind glazed openings, detailed columns between the walls, etc. In the documentary it was said that the Middle Ages was a period where the church had power after the...

Great Cathedral Mystery

     One of the most representative structures of the Italian Renaissance is the Santa Maria de Fiore. It is a cathedral created by Filipino Brunelleschi and in the documentary it will be analyzed for its visual effect of being able to stand on its own. The cathedral is of great importance today for its cultural value. It emphasizes its meaning, value and the inspirations that Filipino Brunelleschi had to create the cathedral. The two ornamental elements that Filipino had to create the Cathedral La Santa Maria de Fiore are: the Gothic style and Roman decoration.      Brunnelleschi  use the gothic style to design the cathedral so that it has a higher visual effect. Putting these elements in the dome, the entrance, the interior ceiling and the columns in a punctuated arched way. As they mention that the use of an internal glaze that is commonly seen in artistic styles of the Christian religion, in churches it also represents classism. I adopt diverse med...

Secrets of the Pantheon

     The Pantheon is a recordatorio of how powerful human being can be. It’s impressive that the building was constructed in 8-9 years and until today is a mystery how that is possible. The Pantheon is an icon of the Western civilization and symbolize the classical world.  Is the most copy building in the world and it’s still represented  the highest level of human creativity. The most prominence sculpture was inside completely gold, Athena, patron of the city of Athens. But that was then, none statues were remained.       The building is in danger of collapsed and now have a rescued mission, the cost today is easily a hundred of millions dollars. I’m impressed because when they say that the floor was curved I thought that was a mistake, but wasn’t.  It’s insane how they have a picture of each stone or block with all the data. Was funny the way that the man describes his frustration because today we have computers, we write all but ...